2. और तुम आज यह सोच समझ लो (क्योंकि मैं तो तुम्हारे बाल- बच्चों से नहीं कहता,) जिन्हों ने न तो कुछ देखा और न जाना है कि तुम्हारे परमेश्वर यहोवा ने क्या क्या ताड़ना की, और कैसी महिमा, और बलवन्त हाथ, और बढ़ाई हुई भुजा दिखाई,
2. Today it's very clear that it isn't your children who are front and center here: They weren't in on what GOD did, didn't see the acts, didn't experience the discipline, didn't marvel at his greatness, the way he displayed his power in the miracle-signs and deeds