11. मेरा कहना यह है; कि यदि कोई भाई कहलाकर, व्यभिचारी, या लोभी, या मूत्तिपूजक, या गाली देनेवाला, या पियक्कड़, या अन्धेर करनेवाला हो, तो उस की संगति मत करना; बरन ऐसे मनुष्य के साथ खाना भी न खाना।
11. In fact what I meant was that you were not to have anything to do with anyone going by the name of brother who is sexually immoral, or is greedy, or worships false gods, or is a slanderer or a drunkard or dishonest; never even have a meal with anybody of that kind.