13. और राज्य के सब प्रान्तों में इस आशय की चिटि्ठयां हर डाकियों के द्वारा भेजी गई कि एक ही दिन में, अर्थात् अदार नाम बारहवें महीने के तेरहवें दिन को, क्या जवान, क्या बूढ़ा, क्या स्त्री, क्या बालक, सब यहूदी विध्वंसघात और नाश किए जाएं; और उनकी धन सम्मत्ति लूट ली जाए।
13. And the letters were sent by postes into all the kinges prouinces, to roote out, to kill, and to destroy all Iewes both young and olde, children and women in one day [namely] vpon the thirteenth day of the twelfth moneth (which is the moneth Adar) & to spoyle the as a pray. (13:1) The great kyng Artaxerxes, whiche raigneth from India vnto Ethiopia ouer an hundred and twentie and seuen landes, sendeth his frendly salutation vnto all the princes and deputies of the countrey, whiche be subiect vnto his dominion. (13:2) When I was made lorde ouer many people, and had subdued the whole earth vnto my dominion, my minde was not with crueltie and wrong to exalt my selfe by the reason of my power: but purposed with equitie alway and gentlenes to gouerne those that be vnder my iurisdiction, and wholly to set them in a peaceable lyfe, and thereby to bryng my kyngdome vnto tranquilitie, that men might safely go thorowe on euery side, and to renue peace agayne, whiche all men desire. (13:3) Nowe when I asked my counsellours howe these thinges myght be brought to a good ende, there was one by vs excellent in wisdome, whose good wyll, trueth, and faythfulnesse hath oft ben shewed and proued (whiche was also the principall and next vnto the kyng) Aman by name, (13:4) Whiche certified vs, howe that in all landes there was scattered abrode a rebellious folke, that made statutes and lawes against all other people, & haue alway despised the proclaymed commaundementes of kynges, and howe that for this cause it were not to be suffred, that suche rule should continue by you, and not to be put downe. (13:5) Seeing nowe we perceaue the same, that this people alone are contrary vnto euery man, vsing straunge and other maner of lawes, and withstande our statutes and doynges, and go about to stablyshe shrewde matters, that our kyngdome shoulde neuer come to good estate [and stedfastnesse:] (13:6) Therefore haue we commaunded, that all they that are appointed in wrytyng and shewed vnto you by Aman, whiche is ordayned and set ouer all our landes, and the most principall next vnto the kyng, and in maner as a father: shall with their wiues and chyldren be destroyed & rooted out with the sworde of their enemies and aduersaries, and that there shalbe no mercy shewed, and no man spared: And this shalbe done the fourteenth day of the moneth called Adad of this yere. (13:7) That they whiche of olde and nowe also, haue euer ben rebellious, may in one day with violence be thrust downe into the hell, to the intent that after this maner our empire may haue peace and tranquilitie.