9. सचेत रह कि तेरे मन में ऐसी अधम चिन्ता न समाए, कि सातवां वर्ष जो छुटकारे का वर्ष है वह निकट है, और अपनी दृष्टि तू अपने उस दरिद्र भाई की ओर से क्रूर करके उसे कुछ न दे, तो यह तेरे लिये पाप ठहरेगा।
9. Don't ever refuse to help someone simply because the seventh year, the year for canceling debts, is near. Don't let an evil thought like that enter your mind. You must never have bad thoughts about someone who needs help. You must not refuse to help them. If you don't help the poor, they might complain to the Lord, and he would consider that a sin.