56. और जहां कहीं वह गांवों, नगरों, या बस्तियों में जाता था, तो लोग बीमारों को बाजारों में रखकर उस से बिनती करते थे, कि वह उन्हें अपने वस्त्रा के आंचल ही हो छू लेने दे: और जितने उसे छूते थे, सब चंगे हो जाते थे।।
56. And whethersoeuer he entred, into townes, cities, or villages, they layde the sicke folkes in the streates, & prayed him that they myght touche and it were but the hemme of his garment: And as many as touched it, were made whole.