4. हारून के वंश में से कोई क्यों न हो जो कोढ़ी हो, वा उसके प्रमेह हो, वह मनुष्य जब तक शुद्ध न हो जाए तब तक पवित्रा की हुई वस्तुओं में से कुछ न खाए। और जो लोथ के कारण अशुद्ध हुआ हो, वा वीरर्य स्खलित हुआ हो, ऐसे मनुष्य को जो कोई छूए,
4. ' 'Suppose a man in Aaron's family line has a skin disease. Or suppose liquid waste is flowing out of his body. Then he can't eat the sacred offerings until he is made pure and clean. ' 'Suppose he touches something that has been made 'unclean' by coming near a dead body. Or suppose he touches someone who has semen flowing from his body. Then he will not be 'clean.'